Today I was driving through Kliversala area and noticed that the old Tsar-style police department is being demolished...
It was the very first PD in Riga on the right coast of Daugava river.
I was hoping this eclectic building will be given a second chance to like museum or something else, but it is not.
Since a couple of years it is illegal to drive through Dome Square, but many drivers still don't know it and get caught by police, which always is very helpful and show you the right direction, especially if you are sitting behind the wheel of the new expensive car.
Municipal Police department in Purvciems 2 was opened 25 years ago in December 1985. It is quite famous because it was bombed by mafia in the middle of 90s The absence of the black tiles are scars, which are left since that bloody bombing.
Taxi drivers are infamous for aggressive driving and strong immunity against police. Although in this case, young taxi driver was forced to pay a fine :)
Riga 1st Police Department of Central area is sharing the same building with Fire Department. First department is one of the oldest in Riga. The building itself was built in 1886 on Matisa street. History of Riga police dates from the beginning of 1880s, when policemen started to patrol busy streets and places like markets, stations, hotels. Initially policemen were only Germans, who very rarely could speak Latvian or Russian, therefore their efficiency was extremely low. After some years Riga council began to draft into police the retired soldiers, who were able to speak language of the common people. Nowadays there are 15 Police departments in Riga.
Latvijas Republikas Ārlietu Ministrija (Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Latvia) building has remarkable nice night illumination after recent renovation. It's difficult to write anything more about this institution, except it should protect Latvia's interests on a global level. Foreign Ministry's work remains to be invisible for local people. I guess it is more visible from abroad.
This metal doors of the former NKVD building (later KGB) is untypical monument, which will always remind to people how many victims were tortured and killed because of wrong political views during the early Soviet times aka Stalin's era. Today is the Monthly theme, which is Doorways. Click here to view thumbnails for all participants
Old town in Riga is very popular place for stag and hen parties. During hen night girls are making some performance in public places to collect trousseau or just for fun. This blond girl is allowing to touch her for a little amount of money :)
Some ESKOM just got parking ticket from police on Gertrudes street. Besides 30Ls (45 EUR) money fine, driver also gets 3 penalty points on his account for illegal parking. If driver collects more than 10 points in one year, he get lost driving license for 6 months with obligatory repeat of examination.
16 March is one of the controversial subjects in Latvia. Briefly saying it is day to revere the memory of Latvian people who had fought during second world war. The controversy is about what they had fought for: against Red Army or for Nazi SS or still for Independence of Latvia? I guess at that time nobody knew which front is bad and which is even worse. Latvia was in the middle of two big powers, so Latvians had joined different forces. The war's aftermath is that Latvia had joined to Soviet Union and had lost its recently gained independence. So nowadays the people who were fought against Soviet Army are being called as freedom fighters or Hitler's supporters However, I would like to repeat, at that time nobody knew what is going to happen.
This red brick house is the former Police department of Zemgales borough.
This building was especially built for Police Service during Russian Empire times.
During Soviet epoch it was residence of Militsiya of Riga Leninsky District.
Dept moved to the new place more than 10 years ago and since then this nice building left abandoned.
UPDATE: In 2017 the building was destroyed.
Crisis in Latvia triggered people to go out on the streets of Old Town in Riga. The beginning was quite okay, most of people asked to create a new parliament, change economical policy in country. Then protest turned into typical vandalism riot. P.S. "Nothing Special" is the recent answer of Finance Minister to journalist about what is happened to Latvian economy.
Yesterday on Kalku street I was watching such picture :) Two security guards were searching two guys in front of all people walking there. Unfortunetely I forgot to ask what guys have done :)
16 March is a kind of Patriots' Day in Latvia. This Day few Nazi veterans, who still alive, lay wreaths on Freedom Monument in Riga. It is not an official holiday anymore (it was till 2000). Worldwide Nazism is convicted, but not in Latvia. 16 March is used by the Right political parties as Hate Speech Day between Latvian and Russian communities in Latvia. This is a big waste of time and money. Just imagine how much cost to protect those 50 old dudes from furious contraries. Everybody should understand that there is nothing about the freedom.
Somewhere there, inside of darkness is Police Station of Torņakalns neighbourhood :) Just 50 meters, but I wouldn't like to go there.. It isn't looking safe at all :D
Riga Police isn't worst than in many Western countries. In most of the cases they just do their job according the law. But in some neighboring countries it is very normal when people hate the Police, like due their abuse and illegal actions. Hence a lot of people in Riga, who enjoy those countries culture, think the same about Police in Latvia. Those people just have no idea how bad Police is there, and how good (comparing to them) it is in Latvia! :) On this picture Police check somebody's documents on Raina blvd.
Riga isn't a richest city in the world, but a lot of people like to show off anyhow. It is very common, that a person who earns less than living wage, buy an expensive car :) Why? Just because people in Riga like to have a beautiful life (like in Hollywood movies), despite how much money they have. This picture was taken at last night on the street, where vehicular traffic forbidden at all! But is doesn't concern 3 white limos and police van as well :)
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