A view of street called Bīskapa gāte (Bishop gutter) towards Lutheran Cathedral, better known as Riga Dom. The church's tower was built in 1776, at the time when Herder have been working here. The Cathedral tower is 90 meters high and it is one of the most famous Riga sights.
Alus Sēta (Beer yard) is another small version of restaurant Lido, which is located inside of the Old Town. Although it is more focused to serve beer and other alcoholic drinks, a tasty meal can be ordered here as well.
Melnais Kaķis (Black Cat) is a restaurant by day and a bar by night. It is named after famous Kaķu nams. It is a good place to have some drinks with friends before going clubbing or to play billiards.
Fridge magnet is a popular souvenir from any destination of the world, including Riga, Latvia I collect fridge magnets as well, just because they are good elements to create the unique vision of the world or kind of geographical atlas in the most visible place at home. So, if are coming to Riga, I kindly ask you to bring some nice magnet for me. In exchange for magnet, I can show you Riga around in the most interesting way. I mean a city tour in real, not just photos :)
Phoenix (also known as Fenix, Fenikss or Феникс) was the original name of RVR, the largest machine-building plant in Latvia. The factory produced electric and diesel trains, tramcars and even tanks. The first tank in the world has been assembled and tested just behind this building in 1915. The main office building is in the eclectic style and was built on Alexander Blvd in 1895. Nowadays it is the main office of Elkor company.
This night in some Riga suburbs like Airport the temperature was -27°C (-17°F), but in the center it was only -19°C (-2°F). At 9 o'clock in the morning in Teika I took this picture and it still was -21°C (-6°F). It is absolute record this winter. When it is lower than -15, the children are allowed not to go to school, so all tramways are half empty today ;) You can check weather in Riga at riga.in :)
Rīgas svētās Marijas Magdalēnas katoļu baznīca (St. Mary Magdalene's Church, Riga) was initially built in 1260. The church is situated at the addresses 4 Klostera iela and 2 Maza Pils iela in Old town. During centuries church was several times devastated and served to different confessions. initially it was Catholic church, since 1639 it was Lutheran church and since 1710 it was Orthodox church. Finally in 1922 new Latvian government transferred possession back to Catholics. Nowadays it is surrounded by many buildings, so it is impossible to take picture of the whole church.
Penthouse is a new nightclub in Old Town, which is being promoted as the only place in the Baltic States, where you can watch sensual and spicy shows in our erotic theatre. Why no spicy photos? I just didn't get any invitation for the grand opening ceremony :) BTW, Lounge 8 was located in this building before.
Piektdiena ir pirts diena (Friday is the Sauna day) I like that favourite expression of my physics teacher Jānis Lapers, because by saying this phrase, he used to let us go on Fridays earlier than any other day :) On the photo - Russian Bath in Bolderaja neighbourhood.
Every place in Riga looks different and more romantic under the snow. Embankment at 11 Novembra krastmala is the best place in Riga for walking and having chat at the bench. Please note, that Municipal police officers are frequent guests here, so keep your drinks hidden :)
Railway station Zasulauks (old Germanic name Sassenhof) is located between stations Tornakalns and Depo on the Riga - Jurmala railroad. Initially Zasulauks was opened in 1873 as part of Riga - Bolderaja railroad, which now is being used only by freight trains.
Svētā Jēkaba Romas katoļu katedrāle (Saint Jacob Roman Catholic Church) is a Catholic Cathedral of Latvia. In other words this is a church that contains the seat of a bishop. On top of that, this church is one of the main Riga sights and one of the old town landscape towers.
У Васи (Vasya's, could be understood as Basil's) is a shop and cheap bar located on Miglas iela (Foggy street), the most unpleasant street of Bolderaja neighborhood. This place is infamous for often fights, knifing and other crime.
Regular theme of City Daily Photo Blogs - The Best Photo of the previous year 2009! Believe me, I've been trying to pick one, but I couldn't choose the best one :( Therefore I would like to thank all of regular readers who expressed their opinion in comments and advised me to choose the best photos. If you still have own idea, please feel free to comment and say which photo is better than others. It is always interesting to see what people like and why. Sometimes it is real discovery for me.
Following 4 photos are considered to be the best of 2009. From upper left: Gap - published in October Улица Кирова aka Kirov street - published in November Feet - published in June Protesters - published in December
Triangula Bastions (Triangular Bastion) is a shopping center on 11. Novembra mainly occupied by Maxima. The name is delivered from a bastion, which had protected the city walls and obstructing the enemy access to Riga from Daugava river. Medieval bastion ruins still can be observed in the basement of this building made of glass.
What is Latvian Nokia? This is a new popular expression among people living in Latvia. Sometimes Latvians compare themselves to Fins, who have much stronger economics despite very similar history, natural resources and more or less the same mentality. State and private companies are often hope for a miracle, basically that some of their products or services will bring Latvian economics to much higher level as once Nokia did for Finland. P.S. this is an old Soviet public telephone with dial. Quite rare thing nowadays, though.
Super Netto is a discounter chain and the branch of Rimi. Super Netto shops have the reputation as the cheapest shops in Riga. See also Maxima, the Lithuanian discounter.
Roodey or Roadey, whatever. I hate this photo because it was taken during freezing evening when I was on Kalnciema bridge with already frozen hands, so I couldn't properly hold a camera lens cover and dropped it down there :( Now I'm shocked that such a little piece of plastic costs more than 20 EUR. UPDATED: in fact Roadex, thanks to Anonymous who pointed to a Latvian company called Roadeks.
Latvijas Nacionālais teātris (Latvian National Theater) was officially opened in 1902 as second city theater after German theater. Many times National Theater was place of main political events like in 1918 here was declared the independence of Latvia.
Avalon Hotel on 13 Janvara street was opened just few years ago in place where only ruins used to be. Have you stayed in Avalon? Please write some review ;)
Slokas iela is the most twisted street in Riga. Slokas is also one of the longest streets in city (10km).
It starts next to Stone Bridge runs across whole Pardaugava, Agenskalns, Ilguciems, Imanta, runs out of town and finishes next to Babite Railway station, where you can take train to Sloka town.
These color buildings are located just next to gray soviet buildings, which were presented yesterday. New real estate in Riga is often painted in challenging, and sometimes even ridiculous colors, e.g. Kugu iela 26.
This picture is taken in Purvciems 2 neighbourhood. Actually there is no any difference with Purvciems 3, Zepniekkalns 4 or Imanta 5. Everything is gray, similar, modest and depressing. Riga has inherited these buildings from Soviet past, which are typical for any city within Eastern Bloc.
Svētā Pāvila evaņģēliski luteriskā baznīca (St. Paul's Lutheran Church) was built in 1887. This is Protestant church or how is more popular in Nordic countries - Lutheran church.
Foxy Lounge is located in the same building as Fashion club, Vegas Casino and Push Club. Despite trustworthy neighbours Foxy Lounge is blacklisted bar in Riga. When I was taking this photo I almost get in troubles with angry security, therefore there is definitely something wrong in this business.
This composite picture is the result of one of the craziest thing I have ever done. In the summer 2008 a couple of crows had a nest at the left tree (at the level of third floor), so I've been thinking that they will return to their former house this year again.
Initially I wanted to take series of shots how bird is nesting. I started my photo session of the former nest in the early February 2009. I've been taking pictures from the same position and almost at the same time of day - in the morning. Approximately in May I realized that crows have cheated me by making their nest on another tree, which is not in the picture at all :(
But I have continued to take shots, just to depict the view out of my bedroom during the whole year. I guess it is a good contribution to today City Daily Monthly Theme day - Changes Click here to view thumbnails for all participants
Riga Photos, Top Stories, Wonderful Sights, Remarkable Places, Typical & Famous People, Travel Guides & Official Information, Shopping, Party & Nightlife, Glamour & Fashion Clubs, Sport & Crowdy Bars, Alternative & Underground Pubs, Luxurious & Cheap Hotels, Live Webcams, News, Vague Rumors & Wild Facts about the biggest City in Baltic States