Kipsala Beach was opened for swimming this year. It's located between Cable Bridge and newly created yacht park.
The summer is ending, so don't miss the last chance to enjoy the most urban beach in Latvia :)
According to my own tradition, every August, when Riga celebrates its birthday, I do collect stats about Riga's population to see how well the city lives.
In my understanding, the population is the main factor of economic and cultural activity of the cities.
So, please check below the statistics for the recent 3 years and the most recent change:
Diff from
12 to 13
Riga City
Riga Metro
As long as I publish those stats I see decrease in Riga's population and it seems that there are no plans or support by government to inverse that trend.
Sad news, Riga became 1 year older and since today Riga is 811 years old officially.
Although this year City Festival was celebrating 730 years since Riga joined Hanseatic League.
Why this is sad news? 1 year ago I've been forecasting that Riga's population will go under 700,000 in a few years, but it happened earlier.
Here below are statistics and changes:
Rīgas HES or Hidroelektrostacija (Hydroelectric Power Plant) was built in 1974 on Daugava river next to city border. Its dam holds a large amount of water behind it.
The plant serves also as bridge and connects Kekava town to Dole island, Zirnu island and Salaspils town.
The third extraordinary building design from Any Mann. (Viesnīca in Latvian means Hotel)
The Shark Hotel in the middle of Daugava River between Stone and Cable bridges.
How much would you pay for staying in Riga Hotel with such design?
Today is the last chance to see Latvian (yes, they exist!) and other EU warships anchored in Passenger Port.
Military ships arrived to Riga because of training exercises happening in Irbe strait.
Last weekend Riga officially became 1 year older, and its technical age is 810 years!
A massive celebration was held around the city 3 days in a row. Many subevents, like medieval fights, air show and of course fireworks could be observed in Riga these days.
I would like to continue my tradition and provide here some numbers to describe Riga's "growth".
The city mayor is still Nil Ushakov, but according current tendency, soon there will be no city, but just a settlement.
During the last year Riga population went down from 709,145 to 706,413 residents (-2,732); simple calculation still proves that after a couple of years Riga will have less than 700,000 residents.
Riga region population (including other cities) is 1,098,523. No changes because of new expanded borders.
I really don't understand how, but the picture of Latvia population is getting better. The growth is +27,388 or +1,23% of people (from 2,217,969 to 2,245,357)
Check also stats for 2009 and 2010.
Perfect night photo is traditionally provided by F64.
This creative picture was found on Riga's future development website, and I couldn't resist not to publish it, because this futuristic view of Riga is so intriguing! :)
I hope Latvijas Tilti will do their job fast and without scandals like it did happen with Sothern Bridge.
You wouldn't believe but this photo was taken in color mode a few days ago :) For me it looks more like it was taken right after Second World War by a fighter pilot flying over Riga :)
This photo of Latvian National Library during Staro Riga is selected in order to give you an opportunity to compare how LNB was looking in during Staro Riga 2008. Photo's source is Delfi. BTW, check the timeline of LNB Building since 2007.
I can't believe, it is already 3 years since my first Riga Daily Photo. Kinda success! :) This year I took not just 365 photos more, but also got new camera with the help of my readers, started to use twitter for instant updates, got interviewed and many other interesting things happened to me because of RDP. Thank you, my dear visitors for watching this blog and making me keep exploring Riga and surroundings.
Yachts becoming more and more popular among Rigans. Beside harbours like this one in Agenskalns neighbourhood, there are office buildings with mooring and clubs like First Club.
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