The part of Riga, where Daugava river flows into Baltic Sea, is heavily industrialized by ship yards, silos and warehouses. One of such neighborhoods is called Voleri. The Southern part of Voleri, the peninsula Krievu Sala (Russian Island) is depicted on this picture.
Guest aerophotographer: leegenda Take similar pictures during Riga airplane tours
Akmens tilts (Stone Bridge) is full of cars during rush hour. This is the only Riga bridge where runs Tramway traffic The Bridge was built in the place of old wooden bridge in 1953, which was called Zemgalu tilts. The spike in the middle is the tallest church in Riga Pētera baznīca.
I guess you would like to ask me what kind of relations are you talking about? There aren't any relations between Iran and Latvia And you will be right. I've been looking for an hour for anything that depicts something related to Latvia and Iran in one picture. All I have found is the low quality official video of accreditation Iran ambassador.
Why? Today is the extraordinary city theme day, which is devoted to the latest events in Iran and especially to my colleague who run Tehran Daily Photo. He is missing.
During early Soviet times more than 50 000 people living in Latvia were deported to Siberia and Central Asia in such wagons. It was about 2% of country population and all of them were classified as enemies of workers. Deportation of Latvian people was just a little part of something much bigger. Total more than 3 millions of people were transferred in USSR for 8 years between 1941 and 1949. It was a big crime against freedom and human being in general.
This wagon is forever parked at Tornakalns station, which is infamous because of such events. See also another memorial to deported children. BTW, Ozols has a great rap song about this events called Deportacija.
Pētersala (Peter's Island) is one of the neighborhoods adjoining with Riga Center, making it quite prestigious to live in. The name is in honor of the Tsar Peter the Great, who expanded the city in 18th century including this territories. In the past this area was full of small rivers and canals, but in the 19 century all of them were dried. Petersala together with Andrejsala are forming one of the 59 Riga subdivisions
About 150 people in Riga are members of the Hare Krishna movement, related to Hinduism religion. They are famous because their loud singing on the streets and other public places. I've caught this Hare Krishna group on Terbatas street.
Last night was one of the most significant holidays in Latvia - Līgo. The tradition is to make as big as possible fire and then go into forest to look for fern flower ;)
Tonight is the Midsummer night, which locally called as Ligo or Jani in Latvia. Midsummer is remarkable because it has the shortest night in a year, which lasts for about 4 hours only. Due Riga high latitude, there is no absolutely black nights during the middle of the summer. This picture is taken towards North pole at 1:30 o'clock in the night
Arkādijas parks (Park of Arcadia) is located in Pardagauva between Monument of Victory and Tornakalns station. Small river Marupite purling and twisting among stone hills, lake and a couple of waterfalls make Arcadia one of the most beautiful spots in Riga.
Just BIG. In fact it is not even a bank, but a company which gives term loans at high interest. Recently BIGBANK became very popular as many Latvian people suffer from lack of money and such banking-house is the only way to get some money quickly. Of course, some people consider such institutions as just another financial trap.
AB Dambis (AB Bank) was built to separate Daugava river from dockyard more than 100 years ago. It is a narrow 550 meters long strip, which is used as walking or running place nowadays. Most of Riga Russians called this building as Коса (Kosa / spit)
I've noticed that photos of such buildings are being liked by many visitors of So, here is one more wooden building, which is located on Krišjāņa Barona iela 59/61. The address is so strange, because before, when in place of two old houses was built a new one, the new one took two sequence numbers. Those numbers are connected by slash, though it is more often called as fraction bar. I am interested is it same numbering system in many other countries? :)
Līvu laukums (Livu square) is the central square of Old Town surrounded by nice buildings. It is named after Livonians, the indigenous inhabitants of Latvia, which current population is less than 200 people.
Greenhouse in Riga Botanic garden. Tropic palms, cactuses and other plants, including noxious, are growing inside. Did you know that in Latvian and Russian greenhouse is oranžērija and оранжерея, respectively. These words literally mean Orange House :) Different cultures and therefore different meaning what color should be plants in such facility :)
This is a quite typical view for state-owned institutions in Latvia. An evolution of interior can be seen with naked eye. In the beginning it was created building and chairs; and then heating and electricity was added; and then oblique ventilation tube struggled through the wall. And finally a big computer hub was attached to the wall :)
This wooden house is inhabited for many years, but still it is remarkable example of Riga architecture of 19th century. Located just some hundreds meters from Central Market.
Tērbatas iela is one of the most important and busiest streets in Riga center. It starts from Sakta Flower Market and ends at the former Ice Hockey Arena, next to Vidzeme Market. The name is delivered from old name of Tartu, the town in modern Estonia.
This dirty pond is located in Viesturs Garden, just in front of the monument to the elders of the Latvian Song. This park has been hosting the very first Song and Dance Festival, therefore it is also known as Park of Song Festival.
Rietumu Banka (West Bank) was one of the first commercial banks in Latvia after regaining of independence. It was established in 1992, right after USSR Collapse. The name depicts the orientation of the bank - the west. In fact, most of the Rietumu banka's clients are locals and from the East. This building is central office of Rietumu bank, which in fact is in Riga highest building top.
Gate to medieval city was built in wall which was sometimes up to 2 meters wide. The medieval version of Riga's Coat of Arms can be found on top of the gate. See also Riga Scutcheon, which remained almost untouched till now.
Pleasure boat Misisipi. Obviously the boat name comes from the Mississippi river :) Typical route starts from embankment next to Stone bridge, then Misisipi sails down the Daugava river until it turns around in the Baltic Sea, finally it brings you to Stone Bridge back.
Please do not forget to participate today in Riga municipal election. Riga is choosing the Mayor today. Also, today Latvia elects its representative for European Parliament. I wish good luck to my country and my city and I hope we will get out of critical situation.
P.S. Vēlēšanas means Election in Latvian language.
Apsīšu rūnakmens (Apsites rune stone) located just several kilometers from Rūjiena town. It is one of the oldest memorials in Latvia and dated circa 9th century AD. Runestone is left by Scandinavian vikings visiting these lands for trading with Latvian ancestors.
Lielā Ģilde (Great Guild) is one of Riga sights located on Livu laukums in Old Town. Centuries ago it was meeting place for merchants and craftsmen of Riga. Here was made a lot of important decisions for Riga city and its inhabitants. Nowadays it is a concert hall, mostly for classical music events.
Infinity is another one blacklisted bar in Riga. Recently, I had set my mind on to expose all dens of iniquity in Riga. In fact, lately gets quite high results in Google. So if people are searching something in Riga, they often get my pages on top. Just try to google for example Infinity Bar in Riga. I will use this opportunity to make our city more safe for tourists and local people.
Did you know that Riga has one of the highest density of blond females? Last Sunday on 31st of May was the first March of Blondes, which has gathered several hundreds of nice blond girls. Everyone must see this event for himself, so come to Riga next year and take some blond girl with you as well ;)
Today is the monthly theme day, which is feet. I didn't think to long what to make a picture of. Riga is very famous for its beautiful girls and this is the main reason why many people come to Riga :) Legs, feet and some other body parts of Riga girls eclipse even St. Peter's Church.
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