Snow-covered trees are in tears over Bastion hill. Tonight is Saint Sylvester's Day aka New Year's eve, which is official holiday in Latvia as well. Also I would like to wish you all the best in upcoming year 2010! :)
Biķernieku mežs (Bikernieku woods) consists mostly of famous Baltic Pine. This oasis of nature is located within city borders, in Mezciems neighborhood to be more precisely.
Rīgas Cirks (Riga Circus) was opened here on Merkela street in far 1888. Circus is located in the very center and this area is one of the most busiest places in Riga. Interesting fact is that Riga Circus is the only one permanent circus in all three Baltic States.
Christmas Market next to Dome Cathedral. Every year hand-knitted socks, lather wallets, soap, cookies and other stuff is being sold here as Christmas gifts.
Despite such a freezing weather (-17°C or 2°F) since several weeks these people are living in tents in order to protest against current government's actions or more precisely inactions. The camp of more than 10 tents is based right in front of Council of Ministers. In the very beginning it was just one small tent, but the community of desperate people is growing very fast. They don't care about us...
Bolderājas Sv. Marijas katoļu baznīca (St. Maria Catholic Church in Bolderaja) is one of the few churches located in the Northern part of Riga. It was built in 1909 at the time when Bolderaja suburb became heavy industrialized area and population was rapidly increasing. The original wooden tower was blown off during autumn storm in 1969. Tower was rebuilt from metal 2 years later. Interesting fact is that this Christian church was built on money of Jewish manufacturer.
Latvijas Leļļu teātris (Latvian Puppet Theater) was opened in postwar Riga in the building of former cinema Radio Modern. All shows are always performed in both languages Latvian and Russian which reflects one of theater's mission. The red banner runs as follows Christmas shows in Puppet theater, so don't forget to bring your child here ;)
Kabata (Pocket) is a small underground theater and bar with dance floor at the night time. This place is favourited by many artistic personalities of Latvian community. Initially it was opened as the first non-government-controlled Latvian theater in Soviet Union, hence its full official name has prefix Independent theater.
Piparkūkas (German: Pfefferkuchen) is a variation of gingerbread, which very popular in Latvia and especially during Christmas period. Some people find that the taste of pepper sweets is strange, but I personally like piparkukas and its taste always reminds me about Christmas time. Picture is taken at one of Christmas markets by guest photographer is A. Garbuzar.
Argus is the biggest store of electronic components in Riga. It was opened in 1993 next to VEF, the giant factory of Latvian electrical industry, which was dissolved shortly after. Since then Argus is a popular place among nerds, geeks and amateurs in electronics.
Ozolciema iela (literally Eichendorfstrasse or Oakville street) during freezing but sunny winter morning. Last days the temperature in Riga is around -15 °C (5 °F) Ozolciema iela is the border of Zepniekkalns area and Riga city at the same time.
This CoffeeTime vehicle is located next to entrance into Vermanes Park. Such food vans started to appear in Riga quite recently, but I doubt very much that it is profitable business for now. People in Riga still are not used to buy food on the streets.
Original Tequila Boom aka Tequileria is located on Maza Pils iela. This place is known by everybody and has a household name, but only few know where it is located exactly ;) Recently opened another Tekila Bum in a very center is often perceived as this place.
15 years ago first Riga McDonald's was officially opened. At that time it was one of the prestigious places to eat. Since then I am regular client of that fast food place. I simply enjoy these always warm and tasty burgers :) Being teenager I used to work in McDonald's as well, luckily not for a long time. Actually, after that I couldn't eat in McDonald's several months because I just got knew how and from what food is being prepared.
Mazā Jaunavu iela (Damsel lane) is a short narrow street in Town connecting Skunu and Maza Monetu streets. Usually so quiet and dark streets are being misused by local bums or drunks :( What would you do if you see something like that?
The people in the hoist are neither window cleaners nor poster hangers :) Their job is to put plastic foam into cracks of the building, which is so old, so that hardly can see that it was originally built from shining yellow brick. Photo is taken at Ernesta Birznieka-Upisa iela.
Minska (Minsk) is a shopping mall in Purvciems built in 1980s. Along with Mebelu Nams it was the most notable place in this area during Soviet and early post soviet time. In Soviet Union it was popular to name shopping centers after Soviet and other Eastern bloc cities. e.g. In Moscow is popular shop called Budapest, in Minsk is Frunze and so on.. Do you know any others combinations? :)
Reformed Church in Riga is another branch of Christian church represented in Latvia. Briefly Reformed Church is an upgradedLutheran church and both of them are branches of Protestant movement. When Lutherans had removed from the church everything what was against the bible, Reformers went further and removed everything what was not required in the bible.
Steam is the recently opened club in south part of Old Town at Kungu iela. In fact it is the same Nautilus club, which had resided in this building previously. Also Steam organizes daytime disco which is very popular among teenagers, who are not allowed in nightclubs.
XL Pelmeņi (XL dumplings) is a dumpling bar in Riga old town. Pelmeni is open almost 24/7 which makes it involved in the nightlife of Riga. It is very popular place have a bite after clubs :) BTW, pelmeni is coming from Siberian cuisine.
All these buildings are located in Purvicems 2 area at Varavīksnes gatve, which literally means Rainbow road. It sounds especially ironic in early winter :)
Latvijas Republikas Ārlietu Ministrija (Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Latvia) building has remarkable nice night illumination after recent renovation. It's difficult to write anything more about this institution, except it should protect Latvia's interests on a global level. Foreign Ministry's work remains to be invisible for local people. I guess it is more visible from abroad.
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