Rīgas bērnu dzelzceļš (Riga Children's railway) was opened in 1956 in Mežaparks forest. It was used mainly by young railway students for education purposes, as well as attraction for children.
In 1997 the railway was closed and few years later disasembled.
See how Komjauniešu station on Children's railway was looking in 1980s:
Riga Electric Machine Building Works was organized in 1946 at the base of former Russian-French enterprise Provodnik, which was established in 1888 and was one of the major factories in Russian Empire.
The factory produces equipment for electrical trains and light railways.
Currently it is a workplace for more than a thousand employee.
Kristus Karaļa Romas katoļu baznīca (Christ the King Church) was completed in 1942.
The King's church was the last step of trisecting of Transfiguration Church, which was home for all three most popular confessions in Latvia - Lutherans, Orthodox and Catholics.
Aldaris brewery has been operating since 1865, initially known as Waldschlößchen. See also photo of Varpa Brewery, which once was a part of Aldaris union.
Aptieka 1 is the largest pharmacy chain in Riga and in Latvia. This particular drug store is located in a interesting eclectic building in Sarkandaudava. Could anybody tell what does the letters АФ on the top mean? Thanks :)
Public Transportation is the today's topic of City Daily Photo blogs. Click here to view thumbs for all participants. For this matter I took photo of First Trolleybus Park, which was opened in 1913, initially as Tramway Depot. Trolleybus transportation is very rare outside of Eastern Bloc and I consider trolleybuses as one of Riga uniqueness. Check also another pictures of Second Trolleybus Park, which is located in Tornakalns.
Riga Diesel Engine Factory was founded in 1949 and located in the most industrial area called Sarkandaugava. The central office building was built in 1985 and represents another master piece of Soviet Architecture.
Rīgas Sv. Trīsvienības evaņģēliski luteriskā baznīca (Riga Holy Trinity Evangelic Lutheran Church) is located in Sarkandaugava borough on the hill and surrounded by territories of the former cemetery. It was built in 1878 as separate church for Lutherans living in Sarkandaugava, because before all three major confessions in Riga (Lutheran, Orthodox and Catholic) were meeting in a small wooden church, which was unacceptable for the most of the people living at that time.
Пушкинский лицей or Puškina licejs is a secondary school named after Alexander Pushkin. During Soviet times it was regular school Nr 79, which was operating since 1976. In 1989 the school got a new and untypical name Lyceum and soon became one of the elite Riga schools. This school follows Russians education traditions and pupils study 6 days per week from Monday to Saturday.
Храм Преображения Господня or Kristus apskaidrošanas pareizticīgo baznīca (Orthodox Church of Transfiguration) is located on the border between Sarkandaugava and Mezaparks neighbourhoods.
Church of Transfiguration was built in 1890 in the place of former multi-religious church for Catholics (moved to King's Church in 1942), Lutherans (moved to Trinity church) and Orthodox (stayed here).
Riga Container Port is on of the biggest on Baltic Sea. Every year about 200000 containers are being passed through this facility. Cargo harbour located in special Riga zone named Osta (Port), but in fact it is Sarkandaugava neighbourhood.
See also Riga Coal Port, which is located just next to container docks.
Ķīšezers is the biggest lake inside of Riga borders. Ķīšezers is popular resort for walking, camping, boating, fishing and sometimes even swimming. Lake located on north-east of Riga, bordering with Mežaparks, Sarkandaugava, Vecmīlgrāvis, Jugla and other Riga suburbs.
Riga Free Port is one of the biggest on Baltic Sea. Up to 50% of cargo turnover is made up of transit coal. Trains with coal come from Russia and Ukraine to Riga Free Port Then cargo cranes load ships going to rest of the world.
One of the tallest structures in Riga is this transmission equipment tower over Daugava River located close to river mouth. (Daugava Crossing Pylon) There are two such Pylons, on both sides of river. Pylons really tall enough (110 meters), to allow big ships to go under wires.
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