Riga Electric Machine Building Works was organized in 1946 at the base of former Russian-French enterprise Provodnik, which was established in 1888 and was one of the major factories in Russian Empire.
The factory produces equipment for electrical trains and light railways.
Currently it is a workplace for more than a thousand employee.
You will never find any other advertisement in the world written in both Latvian and Lithuanian languages except this one, which is located 500 meters away from Latvian-Lithuanian border on Lithuania's side of Via Baltica road.
For a while I couldn't decide where to publish this photo on Riga blog or on Vilnius Photos blog.
Olaine celebrates its 45th anniversary this year. Usually town's festival takes place in the last weekend of Spring.
On the picture: The town council of Olaine with a huge banner Olainei 45 hanging on it.
Today is Easter Sunday for Orthodox Christians. Christ is Risen!
There is an interesting phenomenon in Latvia, despite that religion is becoming weaker worldwide, religion in Latvia is getting more popular, stronger and affecting people's everyday life more than before.
On the picture: a continued bulding of new Orthodox Church in Daugavgriva. Two cupolas are still on the ground.
Ruins of Castle in Cēsis city (80km (50mi) north-eastward from Riga) is one of the most interesting Latvia's sights.
Originally wooden castle was built in 1209, then several times rebuilt and expanded. Nowadays ruins is what is left since Swedish rule in 17 century. Since 1949 a park and The Cesis history museum are located here.
The monument of Ilyushin Il-28 military aircraft is located in a small village Skulte, 100 meters next to RIX.
Skulte was a closed military area before 1993, which was home for 27th division of Soviet Air Defence Forces.
People living in this area were also serving the Anti-Aircraft base in Marupe.
Victor Enrich is the name of modern artist from Barcelona, who is making surreal photos of different cities.
His works made my brain go crazy trying to understand how some of the pictures are composed, because of its misleading simplicity, reverted street angles and buildings.
Other his works can be found in the artist gallery.
BTW, each of the works is being sold in a very limited number of copies, usually just 1 copy.
...and I got my own ;)
Main office of Danish Danske Bank, previously known as Sampo Bank (which used to be Finnish one).
Danske Banka is one of 25 banks. Interesting fact that there is a ratio of 1 bank per 40,000 residents if Latvia.
It gets even strange if we do compare to neighboring Lithuania, which has 1 bank per 500,000 residents (7 banks in total)
This is a monument in Jelgava town, which is devoted to Independence fights in 1918-1920. Writings like Jelgavas Atbrīvotājiem (For Liberators of Jelgava) always make me think.. What would be if Jelgava was not liberated?
Nordea Riga Maratons has broken all records this year. More than 11,000 participants made Riga Marathon the biggest sport event in the history of Latvia. Even organizers didn't expect, such a big number, so they were ordered additional numbers for participants. Unfortunately Latvians didn't get any gold medal in Marathon or Half-Marathon. See Marathon 2009.
Lutera evaņģēliski luteriskā baznīca (Evangelic Lutheran Church of Martin Luther) was built in 1891. It is located on the hill in Tornakalns (literally Tower Hill) area, not very from the station. The community of Tornakalns Lutheran church is the biggest Lutheran community in Latvia and numbers nearly 4000 members.
During the early spring everything in the country looks gray, except Red clothes on the clothesline. Today's monthly theme is Red, click here to view thumbnails for all participants Also, check other photos labelled under Red.
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