FIFA Football World Cup 2014 is going to start in a few days, unfortunately Latvian Natiaonal team haven't managed to get into final part, which will take place in Brazil.
Likely almost every of us, Latvians, has another or two favourite team :)
Personally, I like to watch football with friends in shot bar Spot Kafe. Spot is a good place in Old town with few large TVs always showing sport games.
Kipsala Beach was opened for swimming this year. It's located between Cable Bridge and newly created yacht park.
The summer is ending, so don't miss the last chance to enjoy the most urban beach in Latvia :)
Huge Boeings and small airplanes always fascinate me. I can watch them landing and taking off infinitely long. Actually there is even a legal status of this hobby called planespotting :) The best place for aircraft spotting are top floors of Panorama Plaza. Does anybody rent out a flat there? :)
Go Planet is an entertainment complex in Purviciems. It was opened in 2005 and instantly had a lot of customers, although nowadays it is struggling to survive because of lack of visitors.
A photo exhibition of historical moments of Latvia is being located at Station Square these days. All these photos of Modern Latvia were on first pages of newspapers and displayed the reality of those days. Unfortunately, none of my Riga photos were picked up :)
Ice Skating is a traditional winter entertainment for Riga. A lot of Ice skating rinks are placed in town. For example this one is located at Strelnieku laukums.
2,5 years ago Riga Daily Photo was started with the picture of Vana Tallinn ferry departing from Riga Harbour. 500th post was marked with photo of another ferry - Regina Baltica. I didn't want to break the tradition, so the second anniversary was with photo of Festival taking the Sea. Now it's time to expose Rīgas pasažieru osta (Riga Passenger Terminal) itself and the reason is that this picture is the 1000th photo!
Just imagine, 1000 photos of Riga! Riga Daily Photo is my longest hobby ever, which is still making me happy :) Although difficult times came and I don't have a good camera anymore, hence I have to take pictures with a low-end old digital camera. So if you like this blog, please support it by making a small donation for a new camera. Thanks anyway, my beloved visitors and readers :)
Bivouac (Bivak) is the name of the event devoted to historical reconstructed battles, which was being held in Daugavgriva fortress this weekend. A lot of soldiers wearing historical uniform of Swedish, Russian, French, German and other armies of 18-20 centuries inspire the feeling of being moved back for many years by time machine.
Salsa became an ultra-popular leisure activity worldwide and particularly in Latvia. Tens of clubs and study groups offer relatively cheap and qualitative salsa classes in Riga. I guess nearly everyone in Riga dances or had danced Salsa, Mambo, Bachata or Reggaeton. Do you dance? :)
As today is the first day of spring, this could be the last weekend of current ice hockey season. The games are being hold each weekend on Agenskalna licis, Pardaugava. Check another picture of ice hockey on river and the night shot.
There is an expression in Russian that Ice hockey is the game only for real men! I guess this several guys which are always one the ice as soon as it is get frozen are the real men in some way :) Sometimes they play Ice Hockey even in the night time. Today is the Day of defenders of Motherland, which widely interpreted as the Day of Men. So, my congratulations to all men of the world ;) check another angle of this Ice hockey game.
Last days is so freezing cold in Riga that even Ice fishermen wear special plastic bag to keep warm air inside :) Picture has been taken on Agenskalna licis, on the background are Trinity Church and some1 building.
Real Ice Hockey on frozen Agenskalna firth's ice in front of Swedbank and Cable Bridge. Actually I've took this picture 3 years ago, when I used to play ice hockey with my friends. We played even during evenings, luckily there was enough of light coming from Da Vinci skyscraper building, which is stopped at the moment. Check another Daily photo of Ice hockey.
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